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Laravel 的缓存源码解析





use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
$cache = Cache::get('key');


Cache::put('key', 'value', $minutes);
Cache::add('key', 'value', $minutes);
Cache::forever('key', 'value');
Cache::remember('key', $minutes, function(){ return 'value' });
Cache::rememberForever('key', function(){ return 'value' });
Cache::get('key', 'default');
Cache::get('key', function(){ return 'default'; });
Cache::tags('my-tag')->put('key','value', $minutes);
Cache::increment('key', $amount);
Cache::decrement('key', $amount);
Cache::tags('group')->put('key', $value);



Laravel 中常用 Cache Facade 来操作缓存, 对应的实际类是 Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager 缓存管理类(工厂).


我们通过 CacheManager 类获取持有不同存储驱动的 Illuminate\Cache\Repository 类

CacheManager::store($name = null)

Repository 仓库类代理了实现存储驱动接口 Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store 的类实例.

Cache Facade

首先从 Cache Facade 开始分析, 先看一下其源码:


namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

 * @see \Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager
 * @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository
class Cache extends Facade
     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'cache';

在配置文件 config\app.php 中定义了 Cache 服务提供者

'providers' => [
        // ......
        // ......

Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider 源文件:


namespace Illuminate\Cache;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class CacheServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    // ......
    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('cache', function ($app) {
            return new CacheManager($app);

        $this->app->singleton('', function ($app) {
            return $app['cache']->driver();

        $this->app->singleton('memcached.connector', function () {
            return new MemcachedConnector;
    // ......

通过上面源码可知, Cache Facade 关联的项是 Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager, 也就是我们通过 Cache Facade 实际调用的是 CacheManager实例的方法.



namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache;

interface Factory
     * Get a cache store instance by name.
     * @param  string|null  $name
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
    public function store($name = null);

CacheManager 实现了 Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory 接口(↑), 即实现了一个简单工厂, 传入存储驱动名, 返回对应的驱动实例。



namespace Illuminate\Cache;

use Closure;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory as FactoryContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher as DispatcherContract;

 * @mixin \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
class CacheManager implements FactoryContract
     * Get a cache store instance by name.
     * @param  string|null  $name
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
    public function store($name = null)
        $name = $name ?: $this->getDefaultDriver();

        return $this->stores[$name] = $this->get($name);
     * Get the default cache driver name.
     * @return string
    public function getDefaultDriver()
        return $this->app['config']['cache.default'];

     * Attempt to get the store from the local cache.
     * @param  string  $name
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
    protected function get($name)
        return $this->stores[$name] ?? $this->resolve($name);

     * Resolve the given store.
     * @param  string  $name
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    protected function resolve($name)
        $config = $this->getConfig($name);

        if (is_null($config)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Cache store [{$name}] is not defined.");

        if (isset($this->customCreators[$config['driver']])) {
            return $this->callCustomCreator($config);
        } else {
            $driverMethod = 'create'.ucfirst($config['driver']).'Driver';

            if (method_exists($this, $driverMethod)) {
                return $this->{$driverMethod}($config);
            } else {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Driver [{$config['driver']}] is not supported.");
     * Dynamically call the default driver instance.
     * @param  string  $method
     * @param  array   $parameters
     * @return mixed
    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        return $this->store()->$method(...$parameters);

可以看到 CacheManager 提供了会话级别的实例缓存, 当解析驱动名时, 它会按如下顺序解析:

  1. 自定义驱动: 查看是否有通过 CacheManager::extend(...)自定义的驱动
  2. Laravel提供的驱动: 查看是否存在 CacheManager::createXxxDriver(...)方法

这些方法返回的实例必须是实现了 Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository 接口

本质上, CacheManager 就是一个提供了会话级别缓存的 Repository 实例工厂, 同时它提供了一个 __call 魔术方法, 以便快速调用默认缓存驱动。

$value = Cache::store('file')->get('foo');

// 通过 _call, 调用默认缓存驱动的 get 方法
$value = Cache::get('key');


Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository 接口


namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache;

use Closure;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;

interface Repository extends CacheInterface
    public function has($key);
    public function get($key, $default = null);
    public function pull($key, $default = null);
    public function put($key, $value, $minutes);
    public function add($key, $value, $minutes);
    public function increment($key, $value = 1);
    public function decrement($key, $value = 1);
    public function forever($key, $value);
    public function remember($key, $minutes, Closure $callback);
    public function sear($key, Closure $callback);
    public function rememberForever($key, Closure $callback);
    public function forget($key);
    public function getStore();

Repository 是一个符合 href="

url=9LkUzilH74QMr6SuXLs5wqzeJAXlxKxOoz7qJLQSMmy8JHcYUiJj_wtVBslGK2dB">PSR-16: Common Interface for Caching Libraries 规范的缓存仓库类, 其在Laravel相应的实现类: Illuminate\Cache\Repository

Illuminate\Cache\Repository 部分代码如下:


namespace Illuminate\Cache;

use Closure;
use ArrayAccess;
use DateTimeInterface;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Cache\Events\CacheHit;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store;
use Illuminate\Cache\Events\KeyWritten;
use Illuminate\Cache\Events\CacheMissed;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable;
use Illuminate\Cache\Events\KeyForgotten;
use Illuminate\Support\InteractsWithTime;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository as CacheContract;

 * @mixin \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store
class Repository implements CacheContract, ArrayAccess
    use InteractsWithTime;
    use Macroable {
        __call as macroCall;

     * The cache store implementation.
     * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store
    protected $store;

     * The event dispatcher implementation.
     * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher
    protected $events;

    protected $default = 60;

     * Create a new cache repository instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store  $store
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Store $store)
        $this->store = $store;

    public function has($key)
        return ! is_null($this->get($key));

    public function get($key, $default = null)
        if (is_array($key)) {
            return $this->many($key);

        $value = $this->store->get($this->itemKey($key));

        // If we could not find the cache value, we will fire the missed event and get
        // the default value for this cache value. This default could be a callback
        // so we will execute the value function which will resolve it if needed.
        if (is_null($value)) {
            $this->event(new CacheMissed($key));

            $value = value($default);
        } else {
            $this->event(new CacheHit($key, $value));

        return $value;

    public function pull($key, $default = null)
        return tap($this->get($key, $default), function ($value) use ($key) {
    protected function event($event)
        if (isset($this->events)) {

     * Set the event dispatcher instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher  $events
     * @return void
    public function setEventDispatcher(Dispatcher $events)
        $this->events = $events;

    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
            return $this->macroCall($method, $parameters);

        return $this->store->$method(...$parameters);
    public function __clone()
        $this->store = clone $this->store;

从源码可以看出, Illuminate\Cache\Repository 实现了代理模式, 具体的实现是交由 Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store 来处理, Repository 主要作用是

  1. 提供一些便捷操作(可以理解为语法糖)
  2. Event 事件触发, 包括缓存命中/未命中、写入/删除键值


Illuminate\Contracts\Cache 缓存驱动是实际处理缓存如何写入/读取/删除的类, 接口内容如下:


namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache;

interface Store
    public function get($key);
    public function many(array $keys);
    public function put($key, $value, $minutes);
    public function putMany(array $values, $minutes);
    public function increment($key, $value = 1);
    public function decrement($key, $value = 1);
    public function forever($key, $value);
    public function forget($key);
    public function flush();
    public function getPrefix();


  • ApcStore
  • ArrayStore
  • NullStore
  • DatabaseStore
  • FileStore
  • MemcachedStore
  • RedisStore


  • 发表于 2020-06-03 16:49
  • 阅读 ( 673 )
  • 分类:PHP开发

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